by Krysia Jopek

Format, ISBN & Retail Price:
Hardcover: 978-1-60772-007-2 ($19.95)
Trade paperback: 978-1-60772-008-9 ($14.95)
Ebook (all major formats): 978-1-60772-013-3 ($9.99)
Size: 6 in x 9 in
Page Count: 168
Includes: 12 black & white illustrations; 8 original poems; Bibliography; Reading Group Guide

Maps and Shadows
News, Reviews & Events — 2014-2017


This page contains News, Reviews & Events from 2014 through 2017 dealing with Maps and Shadows, either in whole or in part. Complete listings for these years can be found in the News, Reviews & Events Archive under Media Room in the main menu.  Other years for this title can be found under the News, Reviews & Events tab in the menu at the left of this page.



November 17–19, 2017 – San Francisco, CA – Polish Perspectives at 2017 NCSS –  The American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC) organized and manned the Polish Perspectives booth at the 2017 Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies.  Several thousand social studies teachers attended, and browsed more than 200 booths. As in past years, Aquila Polonica was pleased to donate copies of Maps and Shadows along with its other titles for the Polish Perspectives booth. Books, DVDs and flyers were given away to teachers before the Conference’s end.


IMG 3443 rNovember 9–12, 2017 – Chicago, IL – 2017 ASEEES Convention –  Aquila Polonica exhibited at the 2017 convention of the Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) for the eighth year in a row. It was a great opportunity to showcase all our titles, meet old friends, and make new ones! Attending on behalf of Aquila Polonica were president Terry Tegnazian and creative director Ewa Wojciak.




December 2–4, 2016 – Washington, D.C. – Polish Perspectives at 2016 NCSS – Volunteers from the American Council for Polish Culture once again organized and manned a Polish Perspectives booth at the 2016 Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. With several thousand teachers in attendance, and more than 200 booths, this large bustling conference was a great venue to present Polish perspectives on history and culture. As we have done in the past, Aquila Polonica was happy to donate copies of Maps and Shadows along with its other titles and accompanying material, which was given away to teachers during the conference.



November 17–20, 2016 – Washington, D.C. – 2016 ASEEES Convention –  Exciting to be in the nation’s capital once again for the annual convention of the Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies, where we exhibited all our titles. Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian and Creative Director Ewa Wojciak attended and manned the booth. And since we were in Washington, D.C., the newly appointed ambassador Piotr Wilczek invited attendees interested in Polish affairs to the Ambassador’s residence for a special reception. Photos below of our booth

IMG 2059 rApproachingAquilaPolonicaBoothIMG 2064 rAquilaPolonicaBooth DetailIMG 2068 r



bookexpoamericaMay 11–14, 2016 – BookExpo America & BookCon, Chicago, IL – This year BookExpo America is in Chicago, at McCormick Place Convention Center, and Poland is the featured country! Aquila Polonica will be sharing booth space with the official exhibit by the Polish Book Institute, Booth 1504/1505—showcasing Aquila Polonica titles and bringing three authors who will be doing events at BEA and BookCon, and in the Chicago area, all week. For more details and the event schedule…



November 19–22, 2015 – Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, Philadelphia – Aquila Polonica exhibited at the 2015 ASEEES annual convention in Philadelphia—marking our sixth year at ASEEES! Maps and Shadows was among the Aquila Polonica titles on display and available for sale. For photos and a more complete report…



NatlCouncilSocialStudiesNovember 13–15, 2015 – New Orleans, LA Aquila Polonica titles, including Maps and Shadows, were showcased at the Polish Perspectives booth at National Council for the Social Studies annual convention. The booth is sponsored each year by the American Council for Polish Culture. Cecilia Glembocki, one of the organizers of the booth, reported, “Your books were so very successful. If you could have seen the enjoyment on the faces of these young men teachers who loved the books. One young man asked three times if I were for real. He said he got his Christmas gift very early.”



100 2069-r-KulskiSpeakingAugust 2, 2015 – Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY – Warsaw Uprising Mural DedicatedMaps and Shadows was one of the books available for sale at the dedication ceremony for a mural commemorating the 1944 Warsaw Uprising at the Polish National Home in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Aquila Polonica author Julian Kulski (The Color of Courage), was one of the featured speakers at the event on Sunday afternoon, August 2, 2015,  The other speakers included Polish Consul General Urszula Gacek and N.Y. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney More info and photos… 


PolishCultInstBooth-20150529 103430-r-Cropped May 27–29, 2015 – New York City – Aquila Polonica at Book Expo America – Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian attended Book Expo America (“BEA”) in New York City, the largest book show in the U.S. It was a great opportunity to meet people, renew acquaintances and explore publishing resources. Aquila Polonica books were featured in three booths at BEA: Maps and Shadows, together with other Aquila Polonica books, was shown at the booth of the Polish Cultural Institute.




November 20–23, 2014 – San Antonio, TX – For the fifth year in a row, Aquila Polonica exhibited at the annual ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies) Convention—this year we were in San Antonio, Texas, famed for its lovely River Walk. Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was joined by graphic designer and USC professor Ewa Wojciak, and translator and author Jarek Garlinski. All our titles released through that date, including Maps and Shadows, were on display and available for sale. It was a great opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones!