303 SQUADRON: The Legendary Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron
by Arkady Fiedler
Translated by Jarek Garlinski

Format, ISBN & Retail Price:
Hardcover: 978-1-60772-004-1 ($30.95)
Trade Paperback: 978-1-60772-005-8 ($26.95)
Ebook (all major formats): 978-1-60772-026-3 ($12.99)
Audiobook: Audible.com
Size: 6 in x 9 in
Page Count: 368
Includes: Nearly 200 black & white photos, maps and illustrations; contextualizing historical material; nine appendices.

303 Squadron

News, Reviews & Events — 2014-2015


This page contains News, Reviews & Events from 2014-2015  dealing with 303 Squadron, either in whole or in part. Complete listings can be found in the News, Reviews & Events Archive under Media Room in the main menu. Other years for this title can be found under the News, Reviews & Events tab in the menu at the left of this page. 


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November 19–22, 2015 – Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, Philadelphia – Aquila Polonica exhibited all our titles, including 303 Squadron, at the 2015 ASEEES annual convention in Philadelphia—marking our sixth year at ASEEES! For photos and a more complete report…




November 13–15, 2015 – New Orleans, LA Aquila Polonica titles, including 303 Squadron, were showcased at the Polish Perspectives booth at National Council for the Social Studies annual convention. The booth is sponsored each year by the American Council for Polish Culture. Cecilia Glembocki, one of the organizers of the booth, reported, “Your books were so very successful. If you could have seen the enjoyment on the faces of these young men teachers who loved the books. One young man asked three times if I were for real. He said he got his Christmas gift very early.” IMG 7827-rIMG 7816-r

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A100 2069-r-KulskiSpeakingugust 2, 2015 – Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY – Warsaw Uprising Mural DedicatedJulian Kulski, author of The Color of Courage, was one of the featured speakers at the dedication ceremony on Sunday afternoon, August 2, 2015, for a mural commemorating the 1944 Warsaw Uprising at the Polish National Home in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The other speakers included Polish Consul General Urszula Gacek and N.Y. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney. The mural features the image of Mr. Kulski, who fought in that Uprising as 15-year-old Commando in the Home Army. Aquila Polonica titles, including 303 Squadron, were available for sale at the event. More info and photos…



May 27–29, 2015 – New York City – Aquila Polonica at Book Expo America – Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian attended Book Expo America (“BEA”) in New York City, the largest book show in the U.S. It was a great opportunity to meet people, renew acquaintances and explore publishing resources. 303 Squadron was among the Aquila Polonica books featured at the booth of the Polish Cultural Institute. At right, Aquila Polonica books shown at the Polish Cultural Institute booth.




November 20–23, 2014 – San Antonio, TX – For the fifth year in a row, Aquila Polonica exhibited at the annual ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies) Convention—this year we were in San Antonio, Texas, famed for its lovely River Walk. Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was joined by graphic designer and USC professor Ewa Wojciak, and translator and author Jarek Garlinski. All our titles released through that date were on display and available for sale. It was a great opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones!



IMG 3009s-rNatlCouncilSocialStudies November 21–23, 2014 – Boston, MA – Polish Perspectives at National Council for Social Studies303 Squadron was among the Aquila Polonica books that were exhibited at the Polish Perspectives booth at the 2014 Annual Conference of the National Council for Social Studies, held November 21-23, 2014 in Boston, MA.




303squadron-coverartJuly 6, 2014 – Stone and Stone Books reviews 303 Squadron –  “Nothing will surpass Fiedler’s text in this very attractive book from Aquila Polonica.” Read the entire review…