by Krysia Jopek

Format, ISBN & Retail Price:
Hardcover: 978-1-60772-007-2 ($19.95)
Trade paperback: 978-1-60772-008-9 ($14.95)
Ebook (all major formats): 978-1-60772-013-3 ($9.99)
Size: 6 in x 9 in
Page Count: 168
Includes: 12 black & white illustrations; 8 original poems; Bibliography; Reading Group Guide

Maps and Shadows
News, Reviews & Events — 2012-2013


This page contains News, Reviews & Events from 2012 and 2013 dealing with Maps and Shadows, either in whole or in part. Complete listings can be found in the News, Reviews & Events Archive under Media Room in the main menu. Other years for this title can be found under the News, Reviews & Events tab in the menu at the left of this page. 



November 21–24, 2013 – Boston, MA – 2013 ASEEES  Convention – Aquila Polonica was one of the exhibitors at the 2013 Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Conference, which was held in Boston at the Marriott Copley Plaza. Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was joined in Boston by colleagues Justine Jablonska, Ewa Wojciak and Jarek Garlinski. This was one of the best-attended ASEEES conferences—Boston is always a favorite venue! It was a great opportunity to see old friends and make new ones. All our titles released through that time were on display and available for sale, including Maps and Shadows.


NatlCouncilSocialStudies photo-2013-11-21-CorrectedNovember 22–24, 2013 – St. Louis, MO – Polish Perspectives at National Council for Social Studies Maps and Shadows was among the Aquila Polonica titles showcased at the Polish Perspectives booth at the 2013 Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, held November 22-24, 2013 in St. Louis. MO. As in past years, the Polish Perspectives booth at NCSS was beautifully coordinated and run by Cecilia Glembocki, from Virginia, who volunteers her time every year to organize the booth and attend the conference.


NatlCouncilSocialStudiesNovember 16–18, 2012 – Seattle, WA – Polish Perspectives at National Council for Social StudiesMaps and Shadows was among the Aquila Polonica titles exhibited in the Polish Perspectives booth at the 2012 Annual Conference of the National Council for Social Studies, held November 16-18, 2012 in Seattle, WA.





November 15–18, 2012 – Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention – New Orleans – Aquila Polonica exhibited at the 2012 ASEEES annual convention, marking our third year at ASEEES. All of our titles released through that time, including Maps and Shadows, were on display and available for sale. More…



November 7–19, 2012 – Polish Film, Art & Book Festival, Buffalo, NY – Aquila Polonica author Krysia Jopek, Maps and Shadows, was one of the featured speakers at the first-ever Polish Film, Art & Book Festival held in Buffalo, NY. More…



assnofjewishlibraries June 17–19, 2012 – Association of Jewish LibrariesAquila Polonica exhibited at the well-attended 2012 Annual Conference of the Association of Jewish Libraries, held in Pasadena, California, where The Auschwitz Volunteer was our featured title, on display and available for sale along with all our other titles released through that time, including Maps and Shadows.


May 24, 2012 – Hartford, CT – Author Krysia Jopek at Polish National Home – Author Krysia Jopek speaks at the Polish National Home, Hartford, CT about her book Maps and Shadows.




March 8, 2012 – Krysia Jopek at Bard conference –  Krysia Jopek, author of Maps and Shadows, attended a conference at Bard Bershires on the value (pro and con) of an MFA in Writing.



March 6, 2012 – Windsor, CT – AARPMaps and Shadows author Krysia Jopek was invited to speak before an audience of fifty or more at a meeting of the Windsor, CT AARP chapter about her book. Her father Henry Jopeck and aunt Helen Zasada also attended and answered questions. Watch a video excerpt from the program…




March 4, 2012 – Author Krysia Jopek at Book Discussion GroupKrysia Jopek, author of Maps and Shadows, was the featured guest at a book discussion group hosted by Della and Roger Winans. Her father Henry Jopeck and aunt Helen Zasada, whose WWII experiences were the inspiration for the book, were also invited as guests.


WIN-TVFebruary 8, 2012 – WIN-TV Channel 5, Windsor, CT – Author Krysia Jopek is filmed for Gunter David’s series on writing memoirs, where she talks about her book Maps and Shadows. Re-aired in early September 2013 on WIN-TV’s Senior Voice program.


mapsandshadows-coverartFebruary 1, 2012 – Suffield, CT, Polish Heritage Club – Author Krysia Jopek talks about her book Maps and Shadows to the Polish Heritage Club of Suffield, CT. Her father Henry Jopeck (who with his sister Helen Zasada (nee Jopeck) was the inspiration for the novel) attended and was available to answer questions.