Benjamin Franklin Awards™


Named in honor of America’s most cherished publisher/printer, the Benjamin Franklin Awards™ are bestowed each year by the Independent Book Publishers Association to recognize excellence in independent publishing.

Over more than 30 years, the Benjamin Franklin Awards have become established as one of the publishing industry’s premier award competitions. Although initially created by IBPA to recognize independent publishers, the competition is open to all publishers, large or small, whether or not they are members of IBPA.

Beginning in 2025, the name of this award competition is being changed to the “IBPA Book Awards.”

Publications, grouped by genre, are judged on editorial and design merit by top practitioners in each field.

Submissions are winnowed down to three or four finalists in each category. One winner in each category receives the Gold Award, while the remaining two finalists in that category receive the Silver Award.

The trophies are presented to the publishers during a gala awards ceremony on the last evening of the Publishing University.

Aquila Polonica is proud that every one of its books published so far has been honored with either a Gold and/or a Silver Benjamin Franklin Award—establishing an outstanding track record of excellence in independent publishing.

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