Wall St. Journal – “Central Europe Woke Up, Others Went Woke”
The Wall Street Journal published an excellent Letter to the Editor today from Lucja Swiatkowski Cannon, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World…
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Welcome to the Aquila Polonica blog! We post about Poland, its history, culture, lands and people, about WWII—and because we’re publishers, we also post about our books and authors, about general issues in publishing, bookselling, copyright, and related matters. We look forward to having guest bloggers with us from time to time. Thanks for joining us, and happy reading!
The Wall Street Journal published an excellent Letter to the Editor today from Lucja Swiatkowski Cannon, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World…
We want to congratulate author Clare Mulley on the great review published in today’s Wall St. Journal about her new book Agent Zo: The Untold…
We wish all our readers and friends a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!! Looking forward to seeing you all in 2025! …
Merry Christmas to all our readers and friends!! May Santa bring you your heart’s desire this year, and always. With best…
315 Squadron fighter pilot Henryk Stefankiewicz was nicknamed “Mysza” (Mouse) during his Air Force Academy days, and he gave the same name to his P-51…
In this photo, Barry the German Shepherd shares the cockpit of a 300 Squadron Wellington bomber with one of his Squadron mates. 300 Squadron, formed…
Poland celebrates its Independence Day on November 11, in commemoration of the Armistice ending hostilities in World War I, which led to the rebirth of…
Perched atop one of 317 Squadron’s Hawker Hurricane fighter planes, one Squadron pilot serenades their mascot, Lipa the dog, on the accordion, while another tries…
Today kicks off Polish Heritage Month in the U.S.! In his Proclamation 5548 issued in October 1986, President Ronald Reagan declared October as Polish American…
We are ending our series of blog posts about the Warsaw Uprising — which has drawn from our award-winning book The Color of Courage, by…
Continuing Rulka Langer’s account of the early days of World War II from the point of view of a young working mother in Warsaw, from…
Eighty-five years ago today, the Germans launched their most relentless two-day bombing campaign against Warsaw, Poland’s capital — a bombing campaign so devastating that September…
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