Krystyna Skarbek (1908–1952), aka Christine Granville, was a Polish aristocrat who during World War II became a fearless, versatile undercover operative for British SOE (Special Operations Executive), traveling into and out of occupied Europe to bring back intelligence for the Allies. The BBC recently published a fabulous interview with Skarbek’s biographer, Clare Mulley. As recounted in the interview:
“On one occasion, she received a microfilm that showed German forces lining up along the Soviet border for what looked like an imminent attack. It was passed on to Winston Churchill who, according to his daughter Sarah, would declare that Granville was his favourite agent.

“Twice she would be captured and interrogated by the Germans but was able to spring herself free. On one occasion, she convinced her captors she had tuberculosis by biting her tongue so hard she appeared to be hacking up blood.
” ‘Her great tool is her brain. She’s so quick-thinking; talks her way in and talks her way out. She’s amazing,’ says Mulley.
“Even animals were seemingly unable to resist her charms. In her book, Mulley describes two occasions when Granville was able to turn a snarling guard dog kept by border patrols into her pet that would follow her beck and call.
“Along with her quick wits and immense courage, Granville was a master of manipulation and persuasion….”
Read the entire interview online or in pdf….
There is also speculation that author Ian Fleming based the character Vesper Lynd in his first James Bond book, Casino Royale, on Krystyna Skarbek. More info online or in pdf…
Clare Mulley’s book on Krystyna Skarbek is titled The Spy Who Loved: The Secrets and Lives of Christine Granville, which I am happy to recommend. Click here to learn more at Clare Mulley’s website. Ms. Mulley and I are members of an online group focused on SOE, and I’ve had the privilege of corresponding with her regarding both Krystyna Skarbek and the subject of her forthcoming book Agent Zo, in order to share information from our book in process about the Cichociemni, Polish Special Forces Parachutists.
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