Zofia Pilecki Optułowicz, the daughter of Polish World War II hero Witold Pilecki, author of our book The Auschwitz Volunteer, turned 91 on March 14, 2024. BritishPoles.uk shared their interview with her about her father. A few excerpts:
“Every day he taught us values which we should live by. Today, it seems to me like he was in a rush. Like he knew he didn’t have much time. He called me ‘the heir of fresh air.’ I asked him what he meant by that. He explained to me, that what I’m enjoying and admiring today may no longer be there one day. And that I would need to adjust to that new reality. He told me I had to be ‘a lady general’ – a brave person who can make do in any situation.

“He also taught me conspiracy behaviours [in German-occupied Warsaw]. We would drive around Warsaw in a tram. At some point we would get off. He would then give me an exercise: I had to warn a man walking behind me that a gendarme was heading our way from the other side. I was to walk over to a wall or a shop window if I saw one. It was to be a secret sign for the person walking behind me.”
Read the entire interview here.
Learn more about Witold Pilecki here.
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