by Captain Witold Pilecki
Translated by Jarek Garlinski
Introduction by Norman Davies, FBA
Foreword by Rabbi Michael Schudrich

Format, ISBN & Retail Price:
Hardcover: 978-1-60772-009-6 ($42.95)
Trade Paperback: 978-1-60772-010-2 ($34.95)
Ebook (all major formats): 978-1-60772-014-0 ($19.99)
Size: 6 in x 9 in
Page Count: 460
Includes: More than 80 black and white photos, maps and illustrations; contextualizing historical material; brief Selected Highlights of the Report; four appendices; Discussion Questions; Index.

The Auschwitz Volunteer

News, Reviews & Events — 2014


This page contains News, Reviews & Events from 2014 dealing with The Auschwitz Volunteer, either in whole or in part. Complete listings can be found in the News, Reviews & Events Archive under Media Room in the main menu. Other years for this title can be found under the News, Reviews & Events tab in the menu at the left of this page. 




November 20–23, 2014 – San Antonio, TX – For the fifth year in a row, Aquila Polonica exhibited at the annual ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies) Convention—this year we were in San Antonio, Texas, famed for its lovely River Walk. Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was joined by graphic designer and USC professor Ewa Wojciak, and translator and author Jarek Garlinski. All our titles released through that date were on display and available for sale, including The Auschwitz Volunteer. It was a great opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones!



IMG 3009s-rNatlCouncilSocialStudies November 21–23, 2014 – Boston, MA – Polish Perspectives at National Council for Social StudiesThe Auschwitz Volunteer was among the Aquila Polonica titles exhibited at the Polish Perspectives booth at the 2014 Annual Conference of the National Council for Social Studies, held November 21-23, 2014 in Boston, MA.



Poster-PileckiEventNov2-Email-rNovember 2, 2014 – Ottawa, Canada Polish Embassy Event – Award-winning actor Marek Probosz and Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian rounded out their weeklong Canadian  tour, presenting their multimedia program about Captain Witold Pilecki and the resistance movement in Auschwitz at an event sponsored by the Polish Embassy in Ottawa and the Polish Combatants Association (Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantów w Kanadzie). More info…


Flyer-AuschwitzVolunteerEvent2014-10-30-rOctober 30, 2014 – Montreal, Canada at the Jewish Public Library – Award-winning actor Marek Probosz and Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian continued their weeklong Canadian  tour, presenting their multimedia program about Captain Witold Pilecki and the resistance movement in Auschwitz to a packed audience at the Jewish Public Library.  More info…



20141029 181453-rOctober 29, 2014 – Montreal, Canada at Institut Canadien-Polonais du Bien-Etre – Award-winning actor Marek Probosz and Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian presented a multimedia program about Captain Witold Pilecki and his secret undercover mission at Auschwitz to an enthusiastic audience at the Institut Canadien-Polonais du Bien-Etre. More info…


TheNewsPL witold pilecki 1October 2, 2014 – World War II hero Captain Witold Pilecki will be honored with a memorial in Warsaw reports that Warsaw city officials have announced a competition for the memorial’s design, with results to be announced in December. Pilecki volunteered for a secret undercover mission for the Polish Underground, to get himself arrested by the Germans and sent to Auschwitz as a prisoner, in order to smuggle out intelligence about what was going on in the camp and build a resistance organization among the prisoners. His most comprehensive report on his mission has been published in English by Aquila Polonica under the title The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery.


FutilityClosetBlogSeptember 27, 2014 –  Podcast on Captain Witold Pilecki and his secret undercover mission at Auschwitz – The FutilityCloset blog honors the heroism of Captain Witold Pilecki, reading selections from his comprehensive report on his Auschwitz mission published in English in The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery. Listen to the podcast…


IntlBusTimesUKSeptember 3, 2014 – International Business Times UK on The Auschwitz VolunteerIn an article entitled “World War II Declaration Anniversary: Witold Pilecki, The Spy Who Volunteered for Auschwitz,” the International Business Times UK reviews Pilecki’s life, quoting from The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery. Read the article online or pdf


HuffingtonPostBooksthe auschwitz volunteer-2011-8-13-rJune 26, 2014 – The Huffington Post reviews The Auschwitz Volunteer – In his review on release of the Brilliance Audio edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer, writer Tom Alderman calls The Auschwitz Volunteer “a powerful story” and “a potent audio and print book.” He notes that narrator Marek Probosz “adds an affecting reality and poignancy” to the audio edition of the book.  Read the review…


alice faintich november2009-rMonday, June 2, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – Charlottesville, VA Alice Waydenfeld Faintich will present a program about the World War II Soviet deportations of Polish civilians, including the experiences of her father as described in his book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville.

– See more at:

alice faintich november2009-rMonday, June 2, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – Charlottesville, VA Alice Waydenfeld Faintich will present a program about the World War II Soviet deportations of Polish civilians, including the experiences of her father as described in his book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville.

– See more at:

alice faintich november2009-rMonday, June 2, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – Charlottesville, VA Alice Waydenfeld Faintich will present a program about the World War II Soviet deportations of Polish civilians, including the experiences of her father as described in his book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville.

– See more at:

alice faintich november2009-rMonday, June 2, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – Charlottesville, VA Alice Waydenfeld Faintich will present a program about the World War II Soviet deportations of Polish civilians, including the experiences of her father as described in his book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville.

– See more at:

BrillianceAudioCover-2014-4-8April 2014 – Brilliance Audio edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer – Brilliance Audio, sister company of, releases the audiobook of The Auschwitz Volunteer, narrated by actor Marek Probosz, on CD and MP3. Listen to a sample, and for more info…



Belmont-r March 4, 2014 – Los Angeles, CA – Actor Marek Probosz, who played Captain Witold Pilecki in the film The Death of Captain Pilecki and Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian presented a multimedia program about The Auschwitz Volunteer and Pilecki, including dramatic readings, at Belmont Village Westwood. In addition to his film portrayal of Pilecki, Probosz was also the narrator of the audiobook of The Auschwitz Volunteer available from


3366-Volontario-CoverArt-2013-11-22January 2014 – Italian edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer – Italian publisher Edizioni Piemme, which licensed the Italian-language translation rights from Aquila Polonica, releases its edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer under the title Il volontario di Auschwitz.



AuschwitzVolunteerCoverArtTaiwan-RJanuary 2014 – Chinese edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer – Taiwanese publisher Acropolis, which licensed the Complex Chinese-language translation rights from Aquila Polonica, releases its edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer.