by John Guzlowski
Foreword by Charles Ades Fishman
Format, ISBN & Retail Price:
Hardcover: 978-1-60772-021-8 ($21.95)
Ebook (all major formats): 978-1-60772-023-2 ($9.99)
Size: 6 in x 9 in
Page Count: 176
Includes: Six black & white photos; epilogue; appendix; Discussion Questions.
Echoes of Tattered Tongues
News, Reviews & Events — Current
This page contains News, Reviews & Events dealing with Echoes of Tattered Tongues, either in whole or in part. Complete listings can be found in What’s Happening section of the home page and/or in the News, Reviews & Events Archive under Media Room in the main menu. Earlier years for this title can be found under the News, Reviews & Events tab in the menu at the left of this page.
December 25, 2024 – John Guzlowski Winner of Evergreen Wishes Anthology Competition – Congratulations to John Guzlowski, author of Echoes of Tattered Tongues, for being chosen as one of the winners of the 2024 Evergreen Wishes Anthology Competition sponsored by The League of Poets. The award is given “in recognition of your exceptional contribution to the celebration of Christmas through your literary work.” Guzlowski won for a prose piece about his family’s first Christmases in America.
November 22–24, 2024 – Boston, MA – Polish Perspectives Booth at 2024 NCSS Conference – Volunteers from the American Council for Polish Culture once again created and staffed a Polish Perspectives booth at the Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. As in past years, Aquila Polonica donated several copies of its titles (including Echoes of Tattered Tongues) for the booth, along with a selection of items for sale in our new online store and summaries of the Polish experience in World War II, which were given away to teachers. You can read a more complete report from ACPC online or in pdf.

October 20, 2024 – Washington, D.C. – Author John Guzlowski was the featured speaker at the Polish American Arts Association (PAAA) of Washington, D.C.’s fall membership meeting, which took place at the Cleveland Park Library in Washington, D.C. He spoke about his newly published work, Who I Am: Lives Told in Kitchen Polish, as well as his earlier collection of poetry published by Aquila Polonica Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded, which in 2017 won both the Gold Ben Franklin Award for Poetry and the Montaigne Medal for Most Thought-Provoking Book of the Year.
September 10, 2024 – John Guzlowski interviewed on Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio – Just posted on YouTube, a wide-ranging interview with John Guzlowski, author of Echoes of Tattered Tongues, and poet Michael Lee Johnson, looking at their writing and the role of poetry in our culture. Click here to listen!
February 22, 2024 – Vox Populi publishes four Guzlowski poems – Four poems written by John Guzlowski about his mother and World War II were published today by the journal Vox Populi. The poems echo the themes elucidated in Guzlowski’s book Echoes of Tattered Tongues, published by Aquila Polonica. Read the article online or in pdf….
December 2023 – European Journal of American Studies Interviews John Guzlowski – The new quarterly edition of the European Journal of American Studies features an interview with John Guzlowski, author of the award-winning Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Read the interview online or in pdf….
December 1–3, 2023 – Nashville, TN – 2023 NCSS Conference – Once again, the American Council for Polish Culture organized and manned the Polish Perspectives booth at the Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. As in past years, Aquila Polonica donated several copies of its titles for the Polish Perspectives booth, along with two small posters of the Polish Air Force squadron insignia that will soon be for sale in our online store, which were given away to teachers. Cecilia Glembocki, who was one of the volunteers manning the booth, said the books were in such demand that they were all gone by the end of the first day! Photos: our titles at the booth; happy teachers receiving free books.
December 2–4, 2022 – Philadelphia, PA – Polish Perspectives at 2022 NCSS Conference – Once again, the American Council for Polish Culture organized and manned the Polish Perspectives booth at the Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. As in past years, Aquila Polonica donated several copies of Echoes of Tattered Tongues and some of its other titles for the Polish Perspectives booth, along with two small posters of the Polish Air Force squadron insignia that will soon be for sale in our online store, which were all given away to teachers.
April 25, 2022 – John Guzlowski at Randolph College, Lynchburg, VA – Prof. Gerard Sherayko, Randolph College, invited author John Guzlowski to speak to his class on the Holocaust and read from his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Guzlowski read several poems from the book, and then took questions from the students, who seemed to have been very moved by the poetry.
April 12, 2022 – University of Illinois Literatures & Languages Library Review of Echoes of Tattered Tongues – The University of Illinois Literatures & Languages Library posted an excellent review of John Guzlowski’s poetry in Echoes of Tattered Tongues, titled “The Trauma of War and Displacement in the Poetry of John Guzlowski.” Acknowledging Guzlowski as “arguably the most accomplished Polish-American poet on the contemporary scene,” the review quotes some of Guzlowski’s poetry, calling his poems “emotionally powerful” and noting that Guzlowski’s poetry “has universal relevance giving voice to countless refugees displaced and traumatized by wars in the past and current centuries.” Read the entire review online OR in pdf….
November 15, 2021 – John Guzlowski poem wins Pain Poem Award – The Pain Poem Award was given to John Guzlowski for his poem “My Mother’s Optimism” from his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues, published by Aquila Polonica.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 – John Guzlowski featured at Hudson Valley Writers Center event – John Guzlowski, reading from his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues, will be one of three writers featured at the 16th Annual Slapering Hol Press War & Peace Reading, to be held via Zoom from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. Registration and more details at
July 15, 2021 – Fevers of the Mind Interview with John Guzlowski – Literary site Fevers of the Mind conducts one of its signature “Quick-9 Inteviews” author John Guzlowski. The nine questions focus on Guzlowski’s writing career and influences. Guzlowski lists comic books, great high school teachers, his father, and the Chicago immigrant neighborhood where he grew up among the list of what influenced his writing. Read the entire article online OR in pdf.
June 25, 2021 – Parrot Literary Corner interviews John Guzlowski – Author John Guzlowski was interviewed on Parrot Literary Corner by host Dustin Pickering. The interview focused mostly on John’s award-winning book Echoes of Tattered Tongues. John read some selections from the book, and discussed the years-long process which resulted in the powerful array of poems that make up Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Parrot Literary Corner hosts live interviews via Zoom with poets and writers globally. Watch the interview on Youtube.
February 6, 2021 – Book Story Gal podcast focuses on John Guzlowski – The Book Story Gal podcast on Spotify devoted an entire episode to author John Guzlowski and his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Listen to the podcast at:
October 7, 2020 – Cultural Weekly interviews John Guzlowski – In its “Poets on Craft” feature, Cultural Weekly columnist Bunkong Tuon interviewed John Guzlowski, author of Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Responding to questions about the process of writing a poem, John says: “I absolutely believe in inspiration, the muse that speaks to me. When I first started writing, I thought the idea of a muse was just a gag, some bullshit left over from the Greeks. But then I finally came to believe in the muse after that….” Read the entire interview online OR in pdf….
January 4, 2020 – Polish American Historical Association Award given to author John Guzlowski – At its 77th Annual Meeting in New York City on January 4, 2020, the Polish American Historical Association (“PAHA”) awarded the Skalny Civic Achievement Award to author John Guzlowski. In making this award, PAHA said in part “His parents were Polish slave laborers in Nazi Germany during the war [World War II]. In much of his work, Guzlowski remembers and honors the experiences and ultimate strength of these survivors. His critically acclaimed 2016 volume of poetry Echoes of Tattered Tongues is as beautiful as it is harrowing. In his very frequent public speaking engagements, he is commemorating the experience of Polish immigrants in the post-WWII years.” The Skalny Award honors individuals or groups who advance PAHA’s goals of promoting research and awareness of the Polish-American experience and/or have made significant contributions to Polish or Polish-American community and culture.
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