2011 News, Reviews & Events
December 22, 2011 – Maps and Shadows in the Hartford Courant – “Krysia Jopek: This poet from Windsor published her first novel, “Maps and Shadows” (Aquila Polonica, S14.95), based on her family being deported during WWII from Poland to Siberia and then making their way to Persia, Africa and the United States.” Read the entry online or pdf…
December 14, 2011 – Windsor, CT – Author Krysia Jopek at Book Discussion Group – Krysia Jopek, author of Maps and Shadows, was the special guest at a book discussion group hosted by Mary and John Bosch about her book. Krysia’s father Henry Jopeck and Aunt Helen Zasada, whose experiences during World War II were the inspiration for the book, were also invited guests—they were able to answer questions and talk with the members of the discussion group who had all read the book.
December 11, 2011 – Holyoke, MA – Author Krysia Jopek at Barnes & Noble – Krysia Jopek, author of Maps and Shadows, reads from and talks about her book at Barnes & Noble in Holyoke, MA.
December 2-4, 2011 – Washington, D.C. – Polish Perspectives at National Council for Social Studies – Aquila Polonica books were exhibited in the Polish Perspectives booth at the 2011 Annual Conference of the National Council for Social Studies, held December 2-4, 2011 in Washington, D.C.
November 20, 2011 – Winners of the 2011 Aquila Polonica Prize Announced at ASEEES – The Polish Studies Association announced the winners of the 2011 Aquila Polonica Prize for best article written in English during the previous two years on any aspect of Polish studies. This year the prize was split between Michael Fleming and Magda Romanska, with honorable mention going to Robert Brier. More…
November 19, 2011 – Radio Vice Online
– Steve McGough writes a review on author Krysia Jopek’s book Maps and Shadows. Read the review online or pdf …
November 17–20, 2011 – ASEEES Annual Convention in Washington, D.C. – 2011 marked our second year exhibiting at the ASEEES Annual Convention (ASEEES is the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, in case you wondered). This year we were in the nation’s capital, which gave us a wonderful opportunity to connect with the Polish Embassy and other Washington-area friends. All of the titles which we’d released by the time of the conference were on display and available for sale. More…
November 20, 2011 – No-Name Neighborhood Book Club, Falls Church, VA – Alice Waydenfeld Faintich was the featured speaker at the No-Name Neighborhood Book Club in Falls Church, VA, giving a multimedia presentation about the World War II Soviet deportations of Polish civilians and discussing her father’s book The Ice Road.
November 18, 2011 – Book Club, Fairfax, VA – A Fairfax, VA book club invited Alice Waydenfeld Faintich to lead their discussion about her father’s book, The Ice Road.
November 12, 2011 – Washington, D.C., The Institute of World Politics – As part of the Fourth Annual Kosciuszko Chair Lecture, Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was invited to present to a standing-room-only audience, a multimedia program entitled “Extraordinary Heroes, Desperate Times” about 303 Squadron, the legendary Battle of Britain fighter squadron composed of Polish pilots under joint Polish-British command, which was the highest-scoring Allied fighter squadron in the entire Battle of Britain.
November 11, 2011 – Mountain Women, Wintergreen, VA – Alice Waydenfeld Faintich gave a presentation on the World War II Soviet deportations of Polish civilians to Siberia, and discussed her father’s book The Ice Road at a meeting of the Mountain Women.
Dr. Stefan Waydenfeld, 1945October 24, 2011 – IN MEMORIAM – It is with great sadness that we report the passing on October 24, 2011 of Dr. Stefan Waydenfeld, author of our award-winning book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom. Dr. Waydenfeld, a physician, was born in Poland in 1925, survived Soviet deportation to a forced labor camp in Siberia during World War II, and later fought in the war as an officer in the Polish Second Corps under General Anders. He is survived by his wife Danuta, who resides in London, and his daughter Alice Waydenfeld Faintich, who resides in Virginia. Click each item to read: an interview with Dr. Waydenfeld conducted by his daughter Alice; an excerpt from The Ice Road; and his blog on the Huffington Post.
The funeral was held on Friday, October 28, 2011, at 12:30 pm, at Hendon Cemetery, at the burial chapel (not the crematorium chapel).
Oct/Nov 2011 – Smithsonian’s Air & Space Magazine features an excerpt from our award-winning book 303 Squadron: The Legendary Battle of Britain Fighter Squadron, by Arkady Fiedler, translated by Jarek Garlinski. Ace Polish fighter pilot and 303 Squadron Commanding Officer Witold Urbanowicz runs up against a revered British ritual during a critical moment in the Battle of Britain. Read the excerpt…
October 20, 2011 – Windsor, CT – Windsor Public Library – author Krysia Jopek discussed her novel Maps and Shadows with an audience of more than forty people at the Windsor Public Library. Her father Henry Jopeck was in attendance, and able to answer questions. In this stunning debut work based on her family’s experience during World War II, Krysia, a multi-published poet who currently teaches English at Westfield State University, takes a fresh stylistic approach to storytelling—writing from four points of view, she fuses a minimalist narrative with lush lyricism. Winner of the Silver Award for Historical Fiction at the 2011 Benjamin Franklin Awards, the premier awards competition in independent publishing.
October 20, 2011 – Los Angeles, CA – Mount St. Mary’s College – Aquila Polonica co-founder Terry Tegnazian was one of four panelists at the Vantage Point Forum for Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs. Past panelists have included Richard Riordan, former Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, and Dan Burnham, Chairman & CEO of Raytheon Company.
Fall 2011 – Cosmopolitan Review reviews Maps and Shadows—and has a few nice things to say about Aquila Polonica, too! – “Every new book published by Aquila Polonica is an event. Here at CR we watch for the latest book, eagerly awaiting our copy,” says Cosmopolitan Review! The review of Maps and Shadows by Krysia Jopek begins by noting that the novel was “inspired by her family’s history, and also by the necessity to give voice to a generation that was forcibly silenced…a gentle book.” Read the review online or pdf…
September 28, 2011 – Norwich, CT – The Otis Library Evening Book Discussion Group – Author Krysia Jopek discussed her novel Maps and Shadows, which was Otis Library’s September Book Discussion Selection. More…
September 19, 2011 – Puszczykowo, Poland – Arkady Fiedler Museum – The Museum’s new scale replica of the Hawker Hurricane MK I which was flown by the fighter pilots of the legendary 303 Squadron during the Battle of Britain was unveiled at a moving ceremony at the Museum. The Museum’s Hurricane is coded “RF,” which was 303 Squadron’s code during the Battle of Britain. More…
September 15, 2011 – Charlottesville, VA – Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Virginia – Alice Waydenfeld Faintich presented a program to a packed room about her father’s book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom for the OLLI-UVA Special Presentations Series. More…
August 25, 2011 – New Castle, New Hampshire – Mill Pond Book Club – Alice Waydenfeld Faintich presented her father’s book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom. More…
August 17, 2011 – Aquila Polonica Press Release – “Nominees Announced for the Aquila Polonica Prize for Best Article in Polish Studies,” disclosing the 19 shortlisted nominees for the prize, from whom a winner will be chosen by a committee appointed by the Polish Studies Association, and announced at the 2011 ASEEES National Convention, November 17-10, 2011. For more info…
August 3, 2011 – Los Angeles, CA, Wilshire Rotary Club — Aquila Polonica co-founder Terry Tegnazian presented “Heroic Stories Make Epic Reads,” focusing on those audacious and charismatic Polish fighter pilots of 303 Squadron whose superb aerial combat skills helped save England during the Battle of Britain. Wilshire Rotarian and US Army Air Force WWII veteran pilot Al Woodhill said about the Poles “Those guys were tough!” and sat at the front table so he could hear every word! More…
July 17, 2011 – Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes, England, 10:30 am – 5 pm — Aquila Polonica translator and author Jarek Garlinski lectured on the Sikorski-Maisky Agreement at Bletchley Park’s Annual Polish Day. Bletchley Park is the historic site of secret British codebreaking activities during World War II—which benefited from Polish Intelligence having shared their most jealously guarded secret with the British just weeks before the war began: the Poles had broken the ultra-secure German Enigma code. More info on Mr. Garlinski’s lecture and the Bletchley Park Annual Polish Day…
June 27, 2011 – Alexandria, VA — While in the Washington, D.C. area for her Institute of World Politics presentation, Alice Waydenfeld Faintich was invited that same evening to present her father’s book, The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, at April Burke-Lewis’ book group in near-by Alexandria, VA. More…
June 27, 2011 – Washington, D.C. — at the Institute of World Politics, Alice Waydenfeld Faintich presented a seminar about the Soviet deportations of Polish civilians to Siberia during the first year of World War II, drawing from her father’s book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom. More…
June 14, 2011 – Aquila Polonica Press Release – Aquila Polonica announces sponsorship of a biennial prize, called the “Aquila Polonica Prize,” to be awarded under the auspices of the Polish Studies Association to the author of the best article published in English dealing with any aspect of Polish studies. The winner will be announced at the 2011 ASEEES National Convention in Washington, D.C., November 17-20, 2011. Read the press release…
June 2011 – Travels with The Mermaid, Part 4, The Final Post: “Warsaw…the past and the future” — As he leaves the city of his ancestors, Kyle Langer-Melton reflects on his ten days in Warsaw: the juxtaposition of the dark days of World War II experienced by his grandmother, with the dynamic present, and the exciting promise of the future. More…
June 2011 – Travels with The Mermaid, Part 3: “Finding the family home…discovering my great-uncle” — Kyle Langer-Melton finds his grandmother’s Warsaw home at Mokotowska 57, and at the Warsaw Library learns about her brother, his great-uncle, “the Polish Margaret Mead.” More…
June 2011 – Travels with The Mermaid, Part 2: “Over the jet lag…exploring Warsaw” — Author Rulka Langer’s grandson Kyle Langer-Melton, a San Francisco college student, arrives in Warsaw, immediately spots his first Mermaid. More…
June 2011 – Travels with The Mermaid, Part 1: “Why I’m going to Warsaw” — Author Rulka Langer’s grandson Kyle Langer-Melton, a San Francisco college student, visits Poland for the first time this summer, tracing his grandmother’s experiences during the early months of World War II. Her book, The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt, “is the only bridge I have to my cultural heritage,” says Kyle, who arrives in Warsaw on June 2. More…
May 27, 2011 – Warsaw Business Journal – Opinion by Aquila Polonica co-founder Terry Tegnazian entitled “The Polish Connection,” about the connections between the U.S. and Poland, published as U.S. President Barack Obama visits Poland for the first time. Read the opinion…
May 25, 2011 – Aquila Polonica on National TV – The Balancing Act airs on Lifetime Television, 7 am – 8 am (ET/PT; check local listing for Mountain & Central) – interview with Aquila Polonica co-founder Terry Tegnazian about the award-winning The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt: War Through a Woman’s Eyes, 1939-1940, by Rulka Langer. Watch the interview…
May 23–26, 2011 – New York City – Book Expo America – Aquila Polonica books 303 Squadron and Maps and Shadows showcased at National Book Network booth at 2011 BEA.
May 23, 2011 – Aquila Polonica Press Release – “Aquila Polonica Books Win Four 2011 Benjamin Franklin Awards: 303 Squadron Scores Gold Award for Best History Book, Silver Award for Design,” announcing win of a Gold and three Silver Awards for 303 Squadron, The Ice Road and Maps and Shadows. Read the press release…
May 23, 2011 – Bringing Home the GOLD (and the SILVER)! – 2011 Benjamin Franklin Awards — Aquila Polonica books won one gold and three silver awards at the 2011 Benjamin Franklin Awards, the premier awards competition in independent publishing, on Monday night, May 23, in New York City. More…
May 20, 2011 – Aquila Polonica Press Release – “Gripping WW2 Memoir by Young Working Mom to be Featured on ‘The Balancing Act’ on Lifetime Television May 25th,” announcing upcoming national TV interview of Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian about The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt. Read the press release….
May 15, 2011 – BiblioBuffet reviews The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt – “Riveting prose…completely honest. Comes with valuable maps and stunning contemporary photos,” says BiblioBuffet in its review of The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt. Read the review online or pdf…
May 13, 2011 – Nelson County, VA – Alice Waydenfeld Faintich addressed a Nelson County book group, at its Friday evening dinner meeting, about her father Dr. Stefan Waydenfeld’s book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom. More…
May 11, 2011 – Norwich, CT – George Langer and his wife Ingrid Asmus presented a program at the Otis Library in Norwich about The Mermaid and the Messerschmitt: War Through a Woman’s Eyes, 1939-1940, written by his mother Rulka Langer. More…
May 10, 2011 – Publishers Weekly – “IBPA Announces Ben Franklin Award Finalists,” singling out 303 Squadron and Aquila Polonica Publishing along with two other entries. Read the announcement online or pdf...
May 7, 2011 – Independent Book Publishers Association Press Release – “IBPA Names Benjamin Franklin Awards Finalists,” singling out 303 Squadron and Aquila Polonica Publishing along with two other entries. Read the announcement online or pdf…
May 5, 2011 – Aquila Polonica Press Release – “Aquila Polonica Books Named Finalists in 2011 Benjamin Franklin Awards: Independent Publisher’s WWII Novel, Memoir and History Titles Honored in Four Categories,” re: 303 Squadron (History, and Interior Design:1-2 Color), The Ice Road (Autobiography/Memoir), and Maps and Shadows (Historical Fiction). Read the press release…
April 19, 2011 – Cable TV host Zita Christian interviews author Krysia Jopek – Zita Christian, host of the cable TV show “Page 1 with Zita Christian” interviews Krysia Jopek, author of Maps and Shadows. Watch an excerpt from the interview…
April 19, 2011 – Cable TV host Zita Christian interviews Henry Jopeck & Helen Zasada – Zita Christian, host of the cable TV show “Full Bloom with Zita Christian” interviews author Krysia Jopek’s father Henry Jopeck and her aunt Helen Zasada, whose World War II experiences inspired Jopek to write her novel Maps and Shadows. Watch an excerpt from the interview…
April 2011 – Midwest Book Review – In its review of Aquila Polonica’s new Siege DVD, Library Bookwatch concludes: “Siege is a seminal and indispensable addition to public and college library DVD libraries, worthy of the highest recommendation.” Read the review online (scroll down the list) or pdf…
April 2011 – College & Research Libraries News – In its review, College & Research Libraries News says that Aquila Polonica’s 303 Squadron “vividly captures the drama, the danger, and the spirit of the times.” Read the review online or pdf…
March 31, 2011 – Reminder News – Feature article on Maps and Shadows by Krysia Jopek. Read the article in online pdf or print pdf…
Spring 2011 – The Cosmopolitan Review – 303 Squadron is “a riveting read” says Cosmopolitan Review. “Descriptions of aerial battles are vivid and frightening” in this “superb new translation” and “beautiful book” from Aquila Polonica. Read the review online or pdf…
March 20, 2011 – The Daily Progress on The Ice Road – “There is much to learn in this inspiring testament to human will and innate dignity,” says journalist David Maurer, writing about The Ice Road in the Daily Progress of Charlottesville, VA. Maurer reviews The Ice Road, and also interviews Alice Waydenfeld Faintich about her father’s book. He says, “The book reads like an adventure yarn, even as it offers a cautionary tale of what can happen when evil systems of government are allowed to exist…Bearing witness against the unjust becomes the duty of the just.” Read the article online or pdf…
March 13, 2011 – Nellysford, VA — Alice Waydenfeld Faintich was the featured speaker at one of the Stoney Creek at Wintergreen book groups, discussing her father’s book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom. More…
March 6, 2011 – The Atlantic highlights 303 Squadron – “The Unknown Knowns” by Sanjay Saigal, re: 303 Squadron and Polish heroism in defense of Britain. Read the article online or pdf…
March 5, 2011 – Rose City Reader reviews Maps and Shadows – “An incredible story…a compelling look at how war affects ordinary people,” says the Rose City Reader about Maps and Shadows. Read the review online or pdf…
March 5, 2011 — Battle of Britain and Spitfire Warbird Appreciation Day — Commemorative Air Force, Southern California Wing — Aquila Polonica co-founder Terry Tegnazian gave a presentation on the legendary Polish fighter pilots of 303 Squadron, whose daring and skill helped save England during the Battle of Britain, before a standing-room-only audience of more than 400 people. More…
March 3–4, 2011 – Rochester, MN – Polish Perspectives at the Minnesota Council for Social Studies – Aquila Polonica books were exhibited at the Polish Perspectives booth at the 2011 Annual Conference of the Minnesota Council for Social Studies held March 3-4, 2011 in Rochester, MN.
March 2011 – Flying Magazine – Compelling and thoughtful article titled “Forgotten Adventure in Real Time” by Flying columnist and West Coast editor Lane Wallace, about 303 Squadron. Read the article online, online pdf, or print pdf…
February/March 2011 – Association of Jewish Libraries – The Association of Jewish Libraries reviews Maps and Shadows by Krysia Jopek, concluding that the book is “a terrifying experience given a very human face,” and recommends it for teenagers as well as adults. Read the review…
February 24, 2011 – Charlottesville, VA — For his course entitled “The Dark Side of the 20th Century,” University of Virginia Professor Dariusz Tolczyk invited Alice Waydenfeld Faintich to lecture about the Soviet deportations of Polish civilians during World War II and her father’s experiences as chronicled in his book The Ice Road. More…
February 21, 2011 – Maps and Shadows reviewed by Writing the Polish Diaspora — “Combines her own gift for lyricism with a straightforward narrative style that demands you keep reading,” says John Guzlowski, reviewing Maps and Shadows for his blog Writing the Polish Diaspora. Read the review online or pdf…
February 18, 2011 – Maps and Shadows reviewed in Bieganski the Blog – “Intimate, spare, elegantly written and deeply moving…an important book,” says reviewer Danusha Goska about Maps and Shadows by Krysia Jopek, in Beiganski the Blog. Read the review online or pdf…
February 2011 – Polish-American Journal – Calling 303 Squadron a “lively epic,” in its glowing review the Polish-American Journal says “Readers feel they’re in those planes.” Read the review…
January/February 2011 – World War II Magazine – In its review of The Ice Road, World War II Magazine says that Dr. Waydenfeld’s “masterful recounting spares nothing except self-pity.” Read the review…
January 30, 2011 – Elk City Daily News Reviews 303 Squadron – 303 Squadron is reviewed in the Elk City Daily News, Elk City, Oklahoma. “The Polish airmen had qualities which overcame all obstacles…they scored the most ‘kills,’ suffered the fewest losses, were celebrated by the British public, the media and the English king for their pivotal role in saving England.” Read the review…
January 26, 2011 – Ventura, CA – KKZZ 1400AM Radio – Host Bill Frank interviews Aquila Polonica co-founder Terry Tegnazian about those cocky, audacious, charming and charismatic Polish fighter pilots of 303 Squadron, who were the highest-scoring Allied fighter squadron during the Battle of Britain (approx. 16 minutes):
January 2011 – The Sarmatian Review – In its review, the Sarmatian Review says that Aquila Polonica’s 303 Squadron does “a terrific job bringing to life an extraordinary moment in the history of the war and of Europe’s complex and violent twentieth century.” Read the review online or pdf…
Check the News, Reviews & Events Archive in Media Room for other years.