2018 News, Reviews & Events
December 8, 2018 – Boston, MA – ASEEES Copyright Panel – While at ASEEES, Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian gave a presentation on publishing as a member of a panel titled “Copyright and Related Rights: A Look at the State of Play in Publishing, Music Licensing, and Broadcast Media.” The session was conceived, organized and led by Janice Pilch from Rutgers, who spoke on music licensing. The third panelist was Thomas Keenan from Princeton University, who spoke on copyright in broadcast media. Barbara Krupa from Stanford University was the discussant, and oversaw the Q&A session following the three presentations. Below, from left to right: Terry Tegnazian, Thomas Keenan, Janice Pilch, Barbara Krupa (photo credit: Anna Mazurkiewicz).
December 6–9, 2018 – Boston, MA – 2018 ASEEES Convention – Aquila Polonica exhibited at the 2018 convention of the Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) for the ninth year in a row. It was a great opportunity to showcase all our titles (including our newest release Fighting Auschwitz), meet old friends, and make new ones!
Attending on behalf of Aquila Polonica were president Terry Tegnazian and creative director Ewa Wojciak.
December 6, 2018 – Washington, D.C. – Julian Kulski honored – Julian Kulski, author of The Color of Courage, was honored at an event sponsored by the Warsaw Institute and the Jamestown Foundation, in the 100th anniversary year of Poland’s regaining its independence. The Polish Ambassador, Piotr Wilczek, attended and spoke, as did Abby Spencer Moffat, CEO of the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation. More info online or pdf…
November 30 through December 2, 2018 – Chicago, IL – 2018 NCSS Conference – Once again, the American Council for Polish Culture organized and manned the Polish Perspectives booth at the Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. More than 4,000 teachers attended, and browsed more than 250 booths. As in past years, Aquila Polonica donated several copies of each of its titles (including our newest release, Fighting Auschwitz) for the Polish Perspectives booth, which were given away to teachers before the Conference’s end.
November 11–16, 2018 – New York City, NY – The Auschwitz Volunteer on Broadway – Captain Witold Pilecki on Broadway! We’re very excited to announce that a one-actor show based on Aquila Polonica’s award-winning book The Auschwitz Volunteer won the Best Documentary Show Award at the 2018 United Solo Theatre Festival. Starring and directed by actor Marek Probosz, with Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian narrating. More…
October 22, 23, 24, 25 & 27, 2018 – Canada – “Beyond Bravery: Poland in WWII” lecture tour – In a one-hour multimedia program, Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian provided an overarching look at Poland’s role as one of the Allies in WWII, and shared why and how she was hooked by the heroism of the Poles in WWII at five events in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. More…
September 28, 2019 – Fighting Auschwitz just released! – Just released in hardcover and trade paperback: Fighting Auschwitz: The Resistance Movement in the Concentration Camp by Jozef Garlinski. “The definitive study of the topic,” says Prof. Antony Polonsky, Emeritus Professor of Holocaust Studies, Brandeis University, and Chief Historian, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, who wrote the Introduction.
September 16, 2018 – Nasiona Magazine Interviews John Guzlowski – Wonderful, wide-ranging interview with John Guzlowski, author of Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded, by journalist Julian Esteban Torres Lopez in Nasiona Magazine. Mr. Torres Lopez writes: “Your book Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded is excellent on so many levels. It is raw, moving, real. The writing is compelling. Hypnotic. You speak with honesty of memoirs and the haunting voice of a refugee. Your poems and prose unearth the essence of the human condition. Storytelling at its best.” Read the review online or in PDF… Additionally, three poems are excerpted from Echoes of Tattered Tongues and separately posted by Nasiona Magazine here…
September 7, 2018 – Release of Hurricane – 303 Squadron is now a major motion picture Hurricane (US title: Mission of Honor), starring Iwan Rheon (Game of Thrones) and Milo Gibson (Hacksaw Ridge). Watch the movie trailer here.
August 12, 2018 – Chicago, IL – John Guzlowski New Columnist for Polish Daily News – We’re very proud to announce that the Polish Daily News (http://dziennikzwiazkowy.com/) has asked John Guzlowski, author of Echoes of Tattered Tongues, to become a regular columnist. He’ll start out doing a column two or three times a month. Guzlowski’s columns will be published in both Polish and English. Keep an eye out for Guzlowski’s columns — we’ll tweet them as they appear!
August 12, 2018 – Santa Monica, CA – The Auschwitz Volunteer Multimedia Performance – Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian and actor Marek Probosz presented Aquila Polonica’s two-person multimedia program about Captain Witold Pilecki and the resistance movement at Auschwitz, at Saint Monica’s Church.
July 5, 2018 – Warsaw, Poland – Aquila Polonica Article Prize Winner receives Honorary Award – Professor Lisa Jakelski from the Eastman School of Music, who was one of the winners of the 2015 Aquila Polonica Article Prize, received the 2018 Honorary Award of the Polish Composers’ Union for her promotion of Polish music. Read the article online or pdf…
June 22, 2018 – Warsaw, Poland – Bene Merito Award –
At a ceremony at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was presented with the Bene Merito Award for her work in promoting Poland abroad. More…
April 23, 2018 – Poets and Dreamers reviews Echoes of Tattered Tongues – terrific review of Echoes of Tattered Tongues: Memory Unfolded by John Guzlowski. In conclusion, reviewer Anne Tammel writes: “We see the beauty and power possible in humanity…through this poet’s words, we catch a glimpse of what is possible for each of us…” Read the review online or in PDF…
January 11–12, 2018 – Chandler, AZ – The Auschwitz Volunteer Multimedia Performances – Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian and actor Marek Probosz presented two performances of Aquila Polonica’s two-person multimedia program about Captain Witold Pilecki and the resistance movement at Auschwitz, to audiences totaling approximately 1,500 people. More…
Check the News, Reviews & Events Archive in Media Room for other years.