2020 News, Reviews & Events



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October 7, 2020 – Cultural Weekly interviews John Guzlowski –  In its “Poets on Craft” feature, Cultural Weekly columnist Bunkong Tuon interviewed John Guzlowski, author of Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Responding to questions about the process of writing a poem, John says: “I absolutely believe in inspiration, the muse that speaks to me. When I first started writing, I thought the idea of a muse was just a gag, some bullshit left over from the Greeks. But then I finally came to believe in the muse after that….” Read the entire interview online OR in pdf.  




FightingAuschwitzCover FinalFront2018 WithBenFranklinSticker small r blackborderJuly 14, 2020 – “On the Bookshelf” review of Fighting Auschwitz –  WTBF radio host Dave ‘Doc’ Kirby reviews Fighting Auschwitz for his podcast “On the Bookshelf,” calling it an “amazing account of the resistance movement among the political prisoners at Auschwitz,” and “powerful testimony to the courage and resourcefulness of the resisters.” Listen to the review (approx. 3 minutes):



WTBFRadioMay 27, 2020 – Terry Tegnazian interviewed for “On the Bookshelf” – Aquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was interviewed by WTBF radio host Dave ‘Doc’ Kirby for his program “On the Bookshelf.” The wide-ranging interview covered many aspects of Poland in WWII as well as Aquila Polonica’s publishing program, and was broadcast Sunday, July 19, 2020. Kirby has read and reviewed several Aquila Polonica books in the past. Listen to the interview (approx. 30 minutes):


ICE with stickerrgbsmall 2015 12 14February 18, 2020 – Fulk’s Run, VAAlice Faintich has been invited to attend a local book club which is reading her father’s book The Ice Road: An Epic Journey from the Stalinist Labor Camps to Freedom, to discuss the book and her father’s experiences during WWII.



ColorofCourage BenFranklinAward d2015 12 14DigitalJanuary 28, 2020, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm, 3310 Turlington Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-7342Julian Kulski’s book The Color of Courage is the subject of a symposium hosted by the Center for European Studies at the University of Florida, titled “Childhood Agency in Julian Kulski’s WWII Diary.” This symposium is part of the “WWII: Beyond the Battlefields – CES Series Marking the 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII,” and is open to the public. This talk by Corinne Matthews, Ph.D. Candidate, explores how Kulski demonstrates childhood agency as he fully participates in, and even leads, acts of resistance to the German occupation. Ultimately, Kulski’s record demonstrates the efficacy of children working both alone and in conjunction with adults to resist tyranny. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1498202083672141/?active_tab=about  


IMG 5843 recd2015 3 13FINAL Cropped rJanuary 4, 2020 – Polish American Historical Association Award given to author John Guzlowski – At its 77th Annual Meeting in New York City on January 4, 2020, the Polish American Historical Association (“PAHA”) presented the 2019 Skalny Civic Achievement Award to author John Guzlowski. In making this award, PAHA said in part “His parents were Polish slave laborers in Nazi Germany during the war [World War II]. In much of his work, Guzlowski remembers and honors the experiences and ultimate strength of these survivors. His critically acclaimed 2016 volume of poetry Echoes of Tattered Tongues is as beautiful as it is harrowing. In his very frequent public speaking engagements, he is commemorating the experience of Polish immigrants in the post-WWII years.” The Skalny Award honors individuals or groups who advance PAHA’s goals of promoting research and awareness of the Polish American experience and/or have made significant contributions to Polish or Polish American community and culture.


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