2021 News, Reviews & Events




December 9, 2021 – 2021 Aquila Polonica Article Prize Winner AnnouncedJessica Robbins, Associate Professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wayne State University, has won the 2021 Aquila Polonica Article Prize. The biennial Aquila Polonica Article Prize is given to the author of the best English-language article published during the previous two years on any aspect of Polish studies. Administered by the Polish Studies Association (“PSA”), which appoints the independent judges, the award carries a $500 honorarium donated by Aquila Polonica Publishing. Robbins’s winning article, “Expanding Personhood beyond Remembered Selves: The Sociality of Memory at an Alzheimer’s Center in Poland” published in Medical Anthropology Quarterly, was a case study of elderly Poles being treated for memory loss. Robbins observed treatment that encouraged the recall of common national memory as opposed to individual memories, with salutary effects on the patients. Her argument about what she calls the “sociality of memory” offers a way forward for the care of those with Alzheimer’s disease, but also offers broader insights about the social position of the elderly, nationalism, memory, and modern Poland. The prize committee also awarded Honorable Mention to Professor Tomasz Grusiecki of Boise State University and Oliver Zajac of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for their articles. More…   For the press release, click here.



December 6, 2021 – No Name Bookclub: Ice Road PresentationAlice Waydenfeld Faintich presented a one-hour multimedia program on the WWII Soviet forced deportations of Polish civilians to Siberia, based on her father’s book The Ice Road, to the No Name Bookclub in Crozet, VA.





December 1, 2021 – 303 Squadron Audiobook now available! – The audiobook for 303 Squadron has just been released on Audible.com, brilliantly narrated by award-winning British narrator Simon Vance. Click here to get it!



PainPoemPrizeAward John Guzlowski recd2021 11 15November 15, 2021 – John Guzlowski poem wins Pain Poem Award – The Pain Poem Award was given to John Guzlowski for his poem “My Mother’s Optimism” from his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues, published by Aquila Polonica.




Echoes sticker medal rgb 2017 5 8 r Wednesday, November 10, 2021 – John Guzlowski featured at Hudson Valley Writers Center eventJohn Guzlowski, reading from his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues, will be one of three writers featured at the 16th Annual Slapering Hol Press War & Peace Reading, to be held via Zoom from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. Registration and more details at https://feedback.facebook.com/events/156934543274536



Kulski img 130125729 Page 3 RT3medals color rAugust 12, 2021 – Passing of Julian Kulski – It is with great sorrow that we report the death of Julian Kulski, author of The Color of Courage—A Boy at War: The World War II Diary of Julian Kulski. Mr. Kulski died at home in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, August 12, 2021 at age 92, after a year-long illness. We are privileged and honored to have known and worked with Mr. Kulski. Funeral services will be held in Washington, D.C. at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle on September 17, 2021. Additional funeral ceremonies will be held in Poland in early October, and will be official, with a military honor guard accompanying burial of Mr. Kulski’s ashes in the Kulski family tomb at the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw.

This indomitable, courageous and gracious gentleman was recruited into the Polish Underground Army at age 12, undertook a secret mission into the Warsaw Ghetto with his commander to liaise with Jewish resistance leaders at age 13, was arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo at age 14, fought as a commando in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising at age 15, and ended the war in a German POW camp from which he escaped at age 16. He made his way to England, where he had to learn English, then to the U.S. where he worked his way through Yale University, obtaining both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture, followed years later by a doctorate in Urban Planning from the Warsaw Institute of Technology.

Mr. Kulski built a successful career as an architect, in both his own private practice and working around the world on projects as a consultant for the World Bank. He is the author of several books and more than 100 articles in professional journals. Mr. Kulski led the urban and regional planning programs at Notre Dame University and at George Washington University, and later established the first city planning program at Howard University.

He is the recipient of numerous awards from the Polish government, including the highly prestigious Cross of Valor, the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Merit, Silver Cross of Merit with Swords, the Home Army Cross, the Polish Army Medal (four times), and the Cross of the Warsaw Uprising.

Julian Kulski was a lifelong patriot of both his birth and adopted homelands, Poland and the U.S., and a fervent champion of freedom and democracy. In his Epilogue to The Color of Courage, Mr. Kulski concludes: “The fight for freedom does not cease with the winning or losing of individual battles, but is timeless. It does not take long to turn freedom-loving people into slaves under a totalitarian dictatorship….This makes me certain that no amount of effort, no amount of resistance, and no amount of tears is too much in defense of liberty.”

We salute this great hero of WWII. RIP after a life well-lived, Julian Kulski.



FeversoftheMindQ 9 July 15, 2021 – Fevers of the Mind Interview with John Guzlowski – Literary site Fevers of the Mind conducts one of its signature “Quick-9 Inteviews” author John Guzlowski. The nine questions focus on Guzlowski’s writing career and influences. Guzlowski lists comic books, great high school teachers, his father, and the Chicago immigrant neighborhood where he grew up among the list of what influenced his writing. Read the entire article online OR in pdf.




KuryerPolski June 26, 2021 – Kuryer Polski article about Aquila PolonicaKuryer Polski published an in-depth feature about Aquila Polonica and its president Terry Tegnazian, written by journalist Bogdan Kotnis. Among other things, Mr. Kotnis says: “The quality of Aquila Polonica work has been recognized through several prestigious awards and a growing readership. We should not only read Aquila Polonica publications but also make every effort to make these books available for every American student in colleges and high schools. A reader is pleasantly surprised by updated translations of dated material and the content expanded by proprietary video illustrations, which can be activated by scanning QR codes in text, or by an addendum to a book. Some publications can easily be used as college or high school textbooks. They are enhanced with methodologically appropriate questions for discussions and assignments for tests or term papers.” Read the entire article online OR in pdf…



June 25, 2021 – Parrot Literary Corner interviews John GuzlowskiAuthor John Guzlowski was interviewed on Parrot Literary Corner by host Dustin Pickering. The interview focused mostly on John’s award-winning book Echoes of Tattered Tongues. John read some selections from the book, and discussed the years-long process which resulted in the powerful array of poems that make up Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Parrot Literary Corner hosts live interviews via Zoom with poets and writers globally. Watch the interview on Youtube.




  April 17, 2021 – 2021 Symposium at Institute of World PoliticsAquila Polonica president Terry Tegnazian was one of the featured lecturers at the 2021 Kosciuszko Chair Spring Symposium. She presented a multimedia program (via Zoom, due to the pandemic) titled “Beyond Bravery: Poland in World War II,” providing an overview of Poland’s role as one of the Allies, richly illustrated with photos and five short films. More info at https://www.iwp.edu/events/38964/ (scroll all the way down the page at that link for description of program; video expired on April 18, 2021).




TheAuschwitzVolunteer JapaneseEditionCover r April 5, 2021 – The Auschwitz Volunteer Now Available in Japanese – A Japanese edition of  The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery by Captain Witold Pilecki is now available. Japanese-language rights were acquired by Misuzu Shobo Publishers in Tokyo, from Aquila Polonica Publishing, Los Angeles. This new Japanese edition joins the German, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, complex Chinese (Taiwan), and simple Chinese (Mainland China) editions, previously licensed by Aquila Polonica to foreign publishers in those languages. Read the entire press release here…



 February 6, 2021 – Book Story Gal podcast focuses on John GuzlowskiThe Book Story Gal podcast on Spotify devoted an entire episode to author John Guzlowski and his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Listen to the podcast at: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2rLaD77gUUCL0Kibn82fnm.






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