2022 News, Reviews & Events



December 2022 – Serbian edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer published – In mid-December 2022, the Serbian-language edition of The Auschwitz Volunteer was published, launched by a well-attended event at the Serbian National Library in Belgrade in organized by the Serbian publisher Marsove knjige in cooperation with the Polish Embassy and the Genocide Victim’s Museum.





December 2–4, 2022 – Philadelphia, PA – Polish Perspectives at 2022 NCSS Conference – Once again, the American Council for Polish Culture organized and manned the Polish Perspectives booth at the Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies. As in past years, Aquila Polonica donated several copies of its titles for the Polish Perspectives booth, along with two small posters of the Polish Air Force squadron insignia that will soon be for sale in our online store, which were all given away to teachers. 




 April 25, 2022 – John Guzlowski at Randolph College, Lynchburg, VA – Prof. Gerard Sherayko, Randolph College, invited author John Guzlowski to speak to his class on the Holocaust and read from his book Echoes of Tattered Tongues. Guzlowski read several poems from the book, and then took questions from the students, who seemed to have been very moved by the poetry.



April 12, 2022 – University of Illinois Literatures & Languages Library Review of Echoes of Tattered Tongues – The University of Illinois Literatures & Languages Library posted an excellent review of John Guzlowski’s poetry in Echoes of Tattered Tongues, titled “The Trauma of War and Displacement in the Poetry of John Guzlowski.” Acknowledging Guzlowski as “arguably the most accomplished Polish-American poet on the contemporary scene,” the review quotes some of Guzlowski’s poetry, calling his poems “emotionally powerful” and noting that Guzlowski’s poetry “has universal relevance giving voice to countless refugees displaced and traumatized by wars in the past and current centuries.” Read the entire review online OR in pdf….




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