2010 ASEEES Convention
November 18-21, 2010
2010 marked the first time that Aquila Polonica exibited at the annual convention of the Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, which that year happened to be in our home town of Los Angeles, California. We had the opportunity to exhibit all our titles available at that time. This was our first time at ASEEES, but certainly will not be our last!
We met many wonderful folks, both attendees and other exhibitors. We were particularly happy to see George and Alexandra Kulczycki, who attended from London, England.
The Kulczyckis recently retired from Orbis Books, Ltd. in London, the bookstore which they founded and ran for decades, specializing in books about Poland and Polish history and culture in Polish and English. They were a fixture among the exhibitors at ASEEES for years, and were responsible for encouraging us to exhibit here for the first time—and kindly introduced us to many people while we were at the convention. The Kulczyckis have endowed the ASEEES Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies (formerly the Orbis Prize), a cash prize awarded annually at the ASEEES convention, for the best book in any discipline, on any aspect of Polish affairs.
Taking advantage of the fact that the convention was in our own backyard, we hosted a reception at the nearby California Club one evening, inviting attendees and exhibitors interested in Poland in World War II. Violinist Audrey Solomon provided background music to accompany the party. Some photos below from the reception: